Live streaming videos

Live streaming videos have become the new standard of the recent years as they implement o substitute the more classic corporate video.
The one big difference between a classic video and a live streaming one is the red light “on air” that indicates us that people are watching live what is being recorded at the moment.
Technical and logistic organization is fundamental for events’ live streaming which also require a hard work for its direction.

Ok, we are live!

Whether you use a streaming server or a social platform (YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, Linkedin, etc.), the live streaming video narrates your event without filters, giving that special and unique vibe of “real” and “emotional”.

The live streaming videos are suitable for any type of event and company.
A typical case is a company presentation for its sales force. All the sales agents login from their different locations in order to participate and train better. Every live video has different camera points, lights, subtitles and even voice overs. Furthermore, whoever is watching the live video can intervene during the event and dialogue with the host and the other participants.

Another typical case is the live interview with managers. Participants can intervene and ask them specific questions.
The fact that the live streaming video is highly customizable allows any client to remain within his budget.

What does a live streaming video require?

A live streaming video may require a multicamera troupe, an internet connection and a direction. At the end of the event you can also save a copy in HD quality and share it with whoever was unable to assist the live streaming.

Live streaming videos can be used for many different circumstances: they help increasing the presence on social platforms, they create a modern context for interviews, they generate a unique interaction which also helps to profile the users.

Do you wish to know more? contact us for more info.

Video services